SHOGRAN VALLEY Shogran valley is almost 229.6 km (about 142.67 mi) away from Islamabad and from Balakot it is 34 km (about 21.13 mi) away. Shogran valley is a part of the most famous Kaghan Valley. Shogran valley is almost 7749 feet (about 2.36 km) above sea level. As it is too much above sea level, so weather is usually cold there. In winter the weather in Shogran valley is very cold because of the winds and heavy snow falls, but in summers the weather is pleasant and sunny but at night the temperature drops. So, whenever you want to visit Shogran first check its weather forecast in detail. THINGS TO DO IN SHOGRAN VALLEY The following are the things which you must do whenever you visit shogran valley. Horse riding in Siri Paye Bumpy jeep ride Short hikes Swinging at shogran top Camping in Siri Paye Bonfire in night SIRI PAYE ( THE GEM OF SHOGRAN) Siri Paye is also one of the...