Exploring KALASH Valley
Kalash valley: If you're not familiar with this valley and its people, I'll tell you about my travels there and the things I learned from the locals and witnessed during their celebrations. I went there and learnt a lot about their culture. Because I've heard that this location is well-known for a variety of things and I'm interested in learning more about the caste, religion, and culture of the locals. The Kalash Valley is located in Chitral on Pakistan's northern coast. In the Kalash mountain range, the population is primarily Hindu. This civilization has several distinctive features, such as a distinct language and culture. In the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, adherents of the Kalash faith make up a small minority. They have faith in 12 gods and goddesses. Despite having a different religion from the Muslims in their area, they were not antagonistic to them. They observe their holiday in a unique...